Avoid Digital Transformation Pitfalls with Device as a Service (DaaS)

Avoid Digital Transformation Pitfalls with Device as a Service (DaaS)


Emma Mak, Staff Writer

Emma Mak • Staff Writer

Off the top of your head, which corporations do you consider disruptors? Uber, Tesla, Domino’s Pizza, and Netflix? These are just some of the biggest, and it’s no coincidence that each of these market giants counts digital transformation as a prime factor in their dominance.

But effectively strategizing for reduced costs, improved operations, and greater business flexibility and agility means acknowledging a hard truth: digital transformation can be challenging to achieve, and typical success rates hover at a dismal 30% or less. 

Digital Transformation Risks

Where can digital transformation go wrong? Some of the risks include:

  • High costs: digital transformation can be expensive
  • Resistance to change: some employees may resist changes to their work processes or new technologies
  • Skills gaps: companies may struggle to find employees with the necessary skills to implement digital transformation

Many companies avoid these pitfalls and increase their odds of ending up in the winner’s circle by taking advantage of the low-hanging fruit of digital transformation. Device as a Service (DaaS) is a prime example of a service that checks all the right boxes.

Avoiding the Pitfalls by Using DaaS

DaaS is a per-device, consumption-based subscription model providing businesses with the latest laptops, desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Each device comes conveniently preconfigured and customized with productivity and security applications and includes value-added services such as personalized support.

By outsourcing hardware, software, and device management to a managed services provider (MSP), organizations can be more flexible, scaling devices up or down as needed and shifting costs to operating expenses, making budgeting for the years ahead much easier.

DaaS Helps Organizations Save Money

Many digital transformation initiatives require significant upfront investment before any long-term benefits and cost savings are realized. But DaaS allows for the reduction of capital expenditures out of the gate by avoiding the purchase and ownership of IT assets.

And there are further financial benefits. Because of the services it includes, DaaS decreases the time and resources needed to manage devices. Additionally, efficiencies are gained through reduced over-provisioning or under-utilization of IT resources.

Get Help Addressing Employee Resistance to Change

A well-established provider will have long-term partnerships with leading vendors, giving users access to familiar and user-friendly technology they love. The customizable nature of DaaS solutions enables the right fit to meet the needs and preferences of employees.

Finally, a provider can bring extensive experience in how to effectively communicate the benefits and rationale of transformation initiatives, increasing company-wide buy-in.

Fill Your Skill Gaps When Implementing DaaS

Partner with a DaaS provider who has the subject matter experts and broad-ranging experience to make your digital transformation efforts a success. From planning and forecasting through buying, deploying, asset tracking, support, and retirement of assets, they can provide the skill sets needed.

Device as a Service (DaaS) — A Viable Digital Transformation Strategy

There might be smaller-scale initiatives to start with, but to increase buy-in for their full digital-transformation journey, companies should consider the easy success and numerous benefits of DaaS.

Not only will DaaS decrease capital spending, simplify IT management, and reduce related costs, but it will make employees happy — they get the current devices they actually want, with built-in refresh cycles and great support.

An MSP with deep vendor relationships and extensive digital transformation experience make a great partner for implementing DaaS. They can help ensure your initiatives skirt the typical pitfalls.

Compucom: Your Go-To Source For All Things IT

Our talented Professional Services consultants can help you realize your digital transformation objectives while achieving ROI.

We want to become your trusted advisor and go-to source for all things IT: providing product solutions, transformative professional services, user-centric managed services, and IT staffing.


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Avoid Digital Transformation Pitfalls with Device as a Service (DaaS)

Emma Mak, Staff Writer

Emma Mak • Staff Writer

Off the top of your head, which corporations do you consider disruptors? Uber, Tesla, Domino’s Pizza, and Netflix? These are just some of the biggest, and it’s no coincidence that each of these market giants counts digital transformation as a prime factor in their dominance.

But effectively strategizing for reduced costs, improved operations, and greater business flexibility and agility means acknowledging a hard truth: digital transformation can be challenging to achieve, and typical success rates hover at a dismal 30% or less. 

Digital Transformation Risks

Where can digital transformation go wrong? Some of the risks include:

  • High costs: digital transformation can be expensive
  • Resistance to change: some employees may resist changes to their work processes or new technologies
  • Skills gaps: companies may struggle to find employees with the necessary skills to implement digital transformation

Many companies avoid these pitfalls and increase their odds of ending up in the winner’s circle by taking advantage of the low-hanging fruit of digital transformation. Device as a Service (DaaS) is a prime example of a service that checks all the right boxes.

Avoiding the Pitfalls by Using DaaS

DaaS is a per-device, consumption-based subscription model providing businesses with the latest laptops, desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Each device comes conveniently preconfigured and customized with productivity and security applications and includes value-added services such as personalized support.

By outsourcing hardware, software, and device management to a managed services provider (MSP), organizations can be more flexible, scaling devices up or down as needed and shifting costs to operating expenses, making budgeting for the years ahead much easier.

DaaS Helps Organizations Save Money

Many digital transformation initiatives require significant upfront investment before any long-term benefits and cost savings are realized. But DaaS allows for the reduction of capital expenditures out of the gate by avoiding the purchase and ownership of IT assets.

And there are further financial benefits. Because of the services it includes, DaaS decreases the time and resources needed to manage devices. Additionally, efficiencies are gained through reduced over-provisioning or under-utilization of IT resources.

Get Help Addressing Employee Resistance to Change

A well-established provider will have long-term partnerships with leading vendors, giving users access to familiar and user-friendly technology they love. The customizable nature of DaaS solutions enables the right fit to meet the needs and preferences of employees.

Finally, a provider can bring extensive experience in how to effectively communicate the benefits and rationale of transformation initiatives, increasing company-wide buy-in.

Fill Your Skill Gaps When Implementing DaaS

Partner with a DaaS provider who has the subject matter experts and broad-ranging experience to make your digital transformation efforts a success. From planning and forecasting through buying, deploying, asset tracking, support, and retirement of assets, they can provide the skill sets needed.

Device as a Service (DaaS) — A Viable Digital Transformation Strategy

There might be smaller-scale initiatives to start with, but to increase buy-in for their full digital-transformation journey, companies should consider the easy success and numerous benefits of DaaS.

Not only will DaaS decrease capital spending, simplify IT management, and reduce related costs, but it will make employees happy — they get the current devices they actually want, with built-in refresh cycles and great support.

An MSP with deep vendor relationships and extensive digital transformation experience make a great partner for implementing DaaS. They can help ensure your initiatives skirt the typical pitfalls.

Compucom: Your Go-To Source For All Things IT

Our talented Professional Services consultants can help you realize your digital transformation objectives while achieving ROI.

We want to become your trusted advisor and go-to source for all things IT: providing product solutions, transformative professional services, user-centric managed services, and IT staffing.


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